Gemologist, Setter & Lapidary. GIA then I cut my first Topaz with Justin K. Prim & expanded my knowledge with the thoroughness Nirilanto Ratrimoson.
Réparation et modification de vos bijoux, ainsi que l'analyse, la taille/polissage et le sertissage de pierres.
Services : SAV, réparation/sertisseur, machine laser, binoculaire, analyse taille pierres précieuses lapidaire gemmologue, formations. Instagram Scissorsandstones
I've learnt from Muay Thai (Boxe) this motto "I will fight anyone anywhere"! I found myself adopting this doctrine for doing it with stones so...
"I will cut any stones anywhere" in short... Ring the bell I come to you!
Identifying and grading diamonds and colored stones. Evaluating proportions; distinguishing natural, treated and synthetic gemstones; and using a Grading System to determine gemstone quality. My equipments are tweezers, a 10x loupe, a pointer probe, plotting pens, a gem cloth, a table gauge, a crown angle card, a color grading card, a polariscope, a dichroscope, a handheld spectroscope, pinpoint incandescent light source, a refractometer with polarizing filter and removable magnifying eyepiece, refractive index (RI) liquid, a lab manual and printed documents, and good sense…
As a lapidary using a Sterling machine, I am able to perform Sawing of Gemstones, Pre-forming and Shaping of Gemstones, Faceting and Polishing of Gemstones. . Mentors : Justin K Prim IGT (Bangkok) & Nirilanto Ratrimoson Label Gem (Antananarivo, Madagascar)
My experience from GIA school helped me on creating supplier’s and manufacturer’s network, negotiating and buying diamonds & colored stones, wax prototyping & validation after modifications, manufacturing, quality control & modifying details then delivering (stones and jewellery).
In short
Gemologist, Engineer & Lapidary. GIA then I cut my first Topaz with Justin K. Prim & expanded my knowledge with the thoroughness Nirilanto Ratrimoson. #scissorsandstones #gemstones #GIA